Alike for those who for TO-DAY prepare, And those that after a TO-MORROW stare, A Muezzin from the Tower of Darkness cries "Fools! your Reward is neither Here nor There."
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Cultural Calendars
Alevism related calendar
-- Alevism related religious, memorial or special events. Cause of the universality of the Alevi fate it has also entrances for International, Christian or Jewish events.
Astronomy and Astrology of the Polynesian Universe
-- The Polynesians used astronomy for calendrical purposes. The lunar calendar was used to determine feasting or fasting days, and the solar calendar to mark the passing of days, months, and years.
Aztec Calendar
-- What day is it today, according to the Aztec Calendar? How does it work, how is it used? Calculator tells the Aztec date of any given day.
Ben Marra Studios - Native American Calendars
-- Two brilliantly colorful photographic calendars by Ben Marra: POWWOW...Portraits of Native Americans, and,
Native American Dance. "POWWOW" features text written by the dancers, and "Dance" is all action-oriented scenes. (620)
Chinese Astrology Calendar
-- For 5,000 years, the Chinese have used a system of astrology based on a person's birth year to predict personal prosperity and discover compatibility with lovers, family members, and friends.
Chinese Calendar Home Page
-- Two postscript files for the Chinese calendar. Also convert a date between solar and lunar calendars.
Chinese Fortune Calendar Online
-- Chinese Fortune-telling, Astrology, Lunar, Farmer's calendars. Find Chinese New Year's Days, Holidays, Festivals and Lucky days for wedding.
-- calendario maya-teotihuacano hunab. zodiaco eclipses. cuenta corta maya .constante sincronologica 584314 = fecha juliana = 13 de septiembre de 3114 = fecha maya ahau 8 cumku arqueoastronomia
Freeware Multilingual Calendar
-- Lithic Software Corporation. Supports the following languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Portugues, and Italian. For Windows 95.
Genealogy in France: Republican Calendar
-- Also known as " French Revolutionaly Calendar ", this calendar was in used in France from 1793 to 1805, and 1871 (only in Paris).
Gregorian-Hijri Dates Converter
-- The Islamic Calendar, which is based purely on lunar cycles, was first introduced in 638 C.E.
Holiday Calculator
-- Java applet to compute when a holiday appears in a given year. Computes over 40 holidays including equinoxes and solstices. Source included so you can extend it.
Indigenous Weather Knowledge
-- Indigenous Australians have long held their own seasonal calendars based on the local sequence of natural events.
Introduction to the Mayan Calendar
-- Independent researcher John Major Jenkins addresses the correlation question - that is, the question of how the Mayan calendar system correlates with our Gregorian calendar. Surprisingly, there is still some academic confusion on this question.
Iranian calendar
-- The Iranian calendar, introduced in the reign of Reza Shah Pahlavi (1925–1941), modified the Islamic calendar, introducing a solar year with Farsi names for the months.
Islamic calendar
-- An Islamic Calendar based on predicted lunar visibility and the international lunar date lines. This is the first site on the Net which shows a pictorial calendar based on the concept of the international lunar date line which was first proposed by Ilyas
Jazz Calendar
-- A collection of monthly calendars listing the birthdates of jazz musicians, place of birth, and principal instrument. Complete through April.
Make your own Chinese calendar
-- Get Encapsulated PostScript picture of accurate Chinese calendar of any (Gregorian) month or year to embed in other documents to make your own calendar. View the HTML format ones directly. Also, download the program which does all these.
Make Your Own Chinese Calendar
-- This site provides printable and browsable Chinese calendar for a given Gregorian calendar month and/or year since the last reform of the Chinese calendar in 1645.
Mathematics of the Chinese Calendar
-- Chinese New Year is the main holiday of the year for more than one quarter of the world's population; very few people, however, know how to compute its date.
Maya Calendar
-- Canadian Museum of Civilization explains this complex subject.
Maya Calendar
-- The Maya Calendar was the center of Maya life and their greatest achievement. The Maya Calendar's ancestral knowledge guided the Maya's existence from the moment of their birth and there was little that escaped its influence.
Maya Calendar Converter with Graphics
-- Converts from the Gregorian calendar to the Maya Long Count, Tzolkin and Haab calendars, and finds the Lord of the Night. Also displays the Maya glyphs appropriate to each calendar date.
Multi-cultural Calendar
-- find the unique ways KIDLINK kids are celebrating their country's holidays and festivals.
Multicultural calendar
-- A wall calendar listing and describing holy days and celebrations from many of the world's religions. With glorious, vivid original artwork. Tree-free.
My Name Day Calendar
-- Over 1,700 most popular US and Canadian names. Visit us and celebrate your first Name Day with us!
Ontario Center For Religious Tolerance
-- to promote the understanding and tolerance of minority religions; expose religious hatred and misinformation; supply information on controversial religious topics to help you reach your own decisions.
Pataphysical Calendar of Alfred Jarry
-- This Web page describes the looney Pataphysical Calendar of the French playwright Alfred Jarry (1873-1907), with links to sites (in French) that contain the actual calendar for the current year.
Prehispanic Calendars
-- How are the prehispanic calendars interpreted? Also audio files of Month names in Mayan & Nahuatl.
Pridie Kalendas
-- História dos calendários mundiais;calendários permanentes com todos os direitos adquiridos.
Ramadhan and Eid ul-Fitr
-- For over one billion Muslims throughout the world, Ramadhan is a special month of the year. During Ramadhan Muslims fast from dawn to sunset every day.
Regional (tri-zonal) Islamic Calendar
-- A regional Islamic Calendar based on predicted lunar visibility. The world is divided into 3 zones:??�ericas, Europe/Africa/Asia and Asia/Pacific, each with its own calendar. Produced using MoonCalc.
Religious Festivals of Goa
-- celebrates Goa's diverse but harmonious co-existance of its Hindu and Christian populations.
School of the Seasons
-- The School of the Seasons is open to anyone who is weary of the frantic pace of modern life, who wants to slow down, connect with the natural world, and live a life filled with heart and meaning.
The Catholic Calendar Page
-- Color of Mass vestments is shown in the banner at the top of each day. Holy Days of Obligation are and Feast Days indicated.
The Center for Archaeoastronomy
-- The study of the astronomical practices, celestial lore, mythologies, religions and world-views of all ancient cultures we call archaeoastronomy.
The creative time-management
-- Plan your time efficiently with the new planner; at the same time learn from the amazing Mayan culture, that mainly live in South of Mexico and Guatemala. Their time philosohy gives an orientation for you daily planning.
The Quinkatla Annual Cycle Calendar
-- An annual circular calendar, graphically illustrating the whole year in one circle, this calendar can be used as a circular bar chart, and schduling device. It is based on ideas derived from Mayan calendars.
The Roman Calendar
-- Particularly clear summary. Large clickable map of a Roman calendar in its traditional appearance; click on dates for capsule informaton. One of the better general sources for religious holidays and festivals.
-- Makers of the best perpetual wood calendars, wooden calendars, available with multiple language, languages
Today's Calendar and Clock Page
-- Will Linden's page tells you what day it is today in many calendars. Lots of calendar links as well. Check here for what I'm missing!
Today's Hebrew Date
-- Also contains links for calculating the Hebrew date of any English date, for adding
today's Hebrew date to your own Web site, and for learning more about the Hebrew Calendar.