Too Slow for those who Wait, Too Swift for those who Fear, Too Long for those who Grieve, Too Short for those who Rejoice; But for those who Love, Time is Eternity
Henry Van Dyke
Religious Calendars
50 Year Yahrzeit Calendar Calculator
-- Given a calendar day as input, this web program calculates a 50-year yahrzeit calendar suitable for printing on a single page. The calendar lists dates between now and Rosh Hashana 5811 (September 2050)
Ancient Latvian Calendar and Festivals
-- A perpetual calendar. Time keeping system of ancient Latvia contrasted to Gregorian calendar dates. Links to festivals, culture, language and more.
Bible-Prophecy Year of 360 Days, The
-- Explore how the bible's 360 day-year can be regulated to synchronize with the 365.25 solar year, and the numeric patterns produced that mirror bible-prophecy numbers.
Calendar Maven
-- Complete information on HEBREW CALENDAR software products.
Ecclesiastical Calendar
-- Provides a calculation of the Western or Orthodox Ecclesiastical Calendar when you input a year. Algorithms, as well as some Easter date statistics are also provided on linked pages.
Essene "Shawui" Calendar
-- Essene Lunar Calendar of the Beni-Amin Temple Order. Luni-solar, with lunar sabbaths and seven 50 day "Shawuah" seasons.
Favorite Bible Verses
-- 365 Selected Passages of Hope, Inspiration & Strength. This multimedia calendar greets you each day with full screen image, scripture, day and date, calendar/scheduler, music, screensaver and more...
God's Holyday Calendar
-- From the web site -hoe his is God's true calendar. All the Holydays that God commands His Followers to keep are here through the year 2028. The first month of the year begins on the first new moon that occurs after the vernal(spring) equinox."
Golfer's Inspiration
-- Bring the joy & power of God's grace to your desktop! Golfer's Inspiration transforms your computer into a stunning daily reminder of God's presence with timeless passages from the Holy Bible and amazing photos of golf courses from around the world.
HaYom Hebrew Calendar
-- The HaYom(tm) Hebrew Calendar is available for Windows, the Macintosh and in Java Applet versions.
Home of Sikh E Greetings and Cards
-- Home of Sikh E Greetings and cards. Send Free greetings to friends and family - pick from a variety of Categories. You can even pick a later date for the card/greeting to be sent on. Upload your own greeting/card and send!
Interfaith Calendar
-- Primary sacred times for world religions. sacred times are windows into religions. Celebrations and solemn observances of spiritual traditions present religious insights into the meaning of life.
Jewish Calendar for MS-Windows 95/98/NT 4.0
-- Jewish Calendar for MS-Windows 95/98/NT 4.0 -- Shabbat times, Zmanim, parashioth and haphtaroth, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Birthday and Yahrzeit calculation and much more Versions for Mac, Linux/X Windows or OS/2 are free downloadable.
Kaluach - Easy Hebrew/Civil Calendar
-- Kaluach is an easy to use Hebrew/Civil calendar for Windows. A full month (either Hebrew or civil) is displayed on the screen at one time with Jewish/Israeli holidays, fast days, sfirat haomer, halachic times, and more.
-- Mac software to calculate Islamic Prayer Times using a Western or Islamic calendar
Magnificat Calendar
-- This attractive calendar is truly unique, with 13 pictures painted at our Monastery, representing comforting truths of our Faith, and an illustration of the Saint for each day.
On-line Calendar of Saints Days
-- a hypertext guide to the feast days of Christian saints. It is based on several different dictionaries of saints organized by day.
Orthodox Easter calculator
-- The 'JavaScript Paskhalion' computes the date of Orthodox Paskha (Easter) for a year input by the user. In addition, more than 50 other dates related to the date of Paskha are calculated.
ROMCAL: the General Roman Calendar
-- ROMCAL is a package of software to compute the General Roman Calendar of the Catholic Church. Its output is in Text, Postscript, HTML, and RTF.
School of the Seasons
-- The School of the Seasons is open to anyone who is weary of the frantic pace of modern life, who wants to slow down, connect with the natural world, and live a life filled with heart and meaning.
Shap Calendar of Religious Festivals
-- Religious Calendar, (Bahai, Buddhist, Chinese, Christian, Hindu, Jain, Japanese, Jewish, Muslim, Rastafarian, Sikh, Zoroastrian (Parsee)- organised by month or religion. The current Calendar runs from September 1998 - December 1999
Shap Calendar of Religious Festivals
-- Baha'i, Buddhist, Chinese, Christian, Hindu, Jain, Japanese, Jewish, Muslim, Rastafarian, Sikh, Zoroastrian festivals & holy days, updated yearly. Available by religion or by month.
Simply Calenders 3.5
-- Create your personal calendars including W.Christian, E. Orthodox, Jewish or Islamic Events. 70+ languages
The Cakra Calendar - a vedic division
-- A vedically (Bhagavad Purana) founded calendar dividing the year in 24 15-day periods with 48 weeks and 6 seasons